None of us wants to be just someone else in a crowd, but loved, known--unique for who we truly are. Likewise, God also wants to be known unique for who He is. It goes both ways. Truth wrapped in love: sets us apart, sets Him apart. Let's reach out to the child who yearns to belong to a family, or the suffering Christian who longs to be remembered by us (when they are rejected because they are remembering Jesus for who He is). Let's tell them that they are important enough to be remembered. Let's not forget the God who longs to save us, heal us and bring us home. Put your headphones on in a time of quiet and let these songs draw you deeper into a love of the Jesus who is called the “I Am”, “Savior”, “Son of Man”, “the image of the invisible God”, “Love”, “Creator”, “Friend”, “Holy”, “Healer”, “The way, the truth and the life”... Hear the songs that tell my personal stories and other's stories of how His hope has touched us. They might be your own words too. Know that all profits from your purchase will help me donate to support children who need adopting and people who are suffering for Jesus' name.